Deependra Chansoliya



Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Technology | 2018-Present

Pragati Vidya Peeth, Gwalior

Central Board of Secondary Education (12th) | 2018

No.1 Air Force School, Gwalior

Central Board of Secondary Education (10th) | 2016

Work Experience

Full Stack Development Intern


Broker Network (4B Networks)

  • Developed & assisted in deploying backend server using Nodejs & express from scratch using Model-View-Controller Architecture
  • Implemented JSON Web Token (JWT) token-based authentication and authorization to secure backend server & database(MySQL)
  • Created RESTful APIs to communicate with Signzy for verification of government documents like PAN Card, Aadhar, Bank Account
  • Designed and built webpages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and used jQuery and AJAX to communicate with PHP backend

Android/iOS App Developer


GoSolvo, India

  • Built a mobile app with complete user registration. Also, developed a portal for content management by the administration
  • Implemented Auto-Retrieving One-Time Password (OTP) Authentication using Google Firebase Phone Authentication
  • Implemented Backend driven User Interface i.e. update the UI without updating the App similar to Flipkart and Swiggy Apps.

Web InCharge


Hall Executive Committee, Hall 3, IIT Kanpur

  • Responsible for the development and maintenance of the Hostel Website and Mess Automation Portal of Hall 3, IIT Kanpur.
  • The Mess Automation Portal completely automates the booking and billing of meals at our hostel at IIT Kanpur.
  • Constantly update new features like Alumnus Memories page and solve issues and security flaws like Login issues and Spamming.
  • Technology Stack used for these websites are : Frontend - Angular, Database- MongoDB, Framework - Nodejs + Express.

iMed, Summer of Code IIT Kanpur


Supervisor: Prof. Sandeep Shukla (HOD CSE Dept.)

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

  • Developed as a part of the Summer of Code 2019 organized by CSE@IITK in association with Nutanix and UPSIDC.
  • A digital solution to the problems of dealing with the work related to booking an appointment with the doctor.
  • Also provides the feature of finding nearby Blood Donation Camps based on the current location of a person.
  • It was developed using Flutter and used Firebase Cloud functions for providing a serverless application program interface(API).

Manager-Web and App Development


Antaragni IIT Kanpur

  • Integrated various features in Antaragni App like Real-time notifications, Personalised Antaragni news-feed, Navigation, etc.
  • For the First time ever in the history of IIT Kanpur​, an app was implemented at such a large scale for a festival.
  • Featured as one of the ​top 10 trending apps on Google Play Store​ in its category. ​2K+ downloads, with a rating of 4.9/5.0.


  • All
  • App
  • Web
  • Package

Antaragni 19



Multi Sort


Course Review

Hall 3 Website

Mess Automation Portal


Contest Reminder


  • Language: C, C++, Dart, TypeScript,Python

  • Cloud Technology: Cloud Firestore, Firebase Cloud Messaging

  • Software and Tools: Flutter, Google Firebase, Angular, Node.js

  • Utilities and Framework: Git, Express

  • Database: MongoDB, Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore

  • Library: TensorFlow, Keras